The History &
Future of Cocktails
During the pandemic, alcohol consumption grew, but what to do about making fancy drinks in quarantine? The future of coctails is bringing a new and convenient way to consume: ready-to-drink cocktails. Learn more in the infographic below:

The History & Future Of Cocktails
Whether in good times or bad, we can always find a reason to celebrate with a drink in hand
2020: Changing Cocktail Trends
The Rise Of Home Bartending
The pandemic led to dramatic lifestyle changes, including the ways in which we purchase and consume alcohol
Despite the closing of bars and restaurants alcohol consumption grew
From 2019 to 2020, alcohol consumption increased by 14%
Women: +17%
Millennials & Gen X: +19%
In 2020, 44% of Americans began buying their alcohol online
Online alcohol purchases were up 243%
Instacart orders containing alcohol grew more than 75%
The Quarantini
Whether consumed in isolation or during a virtual happy hour with friends, the Quarantini can be anything you choose
The Kumquarantine by Garnish Girl — Rye whiskey, kumquat syrup, lemon juice, saffron liquor, and egg white*
Spring Is Here by Gastronomblog — White vinegar, gin, mint, snap pea syrup, and green chartreuse
Kombucha Quarantini by Live Well With Em — Gin, kombucha, and blackberries
The Charmin Quarantini by The Tipsy Rogue — Vodka, Cointreau, lime juice, simple syrup, and cranberry liqueur
In good times and bad, people turn to alcohol to calm anxiety, boost their sense of wellbeing, and celebrate
A History Of Classic Cocktails
Gin & Tonic
In the 19th century, the G&T became a popular health tonic as Brits made their way to India and other warm-weather climates
Gin — derived from juniper wine used in medieval cure-alls
Tonic — made from quinine, helps prevent malaria
Lemon or Lime — citrus fruits prevent scurvy
The Maraschino Cherry
In 1910, the New York Times reported the story of a young woman who ordered dozens of Manhattans at a fashionable hotel:
“[S]omeone was sent to expostulate with her; also to find out how she had been able to consume so many cocktails. She was found surrounded by the full glasses with the cherry gone.”
By 1915, maraschino cherries appeared in drinks and ice creams across the U.S.
[Call Out: The 1918 Spanish flu brought its own set of pandemic-themed cocktails: the Corpse Reviver, the Penicillin, and the Medicina Latina]
Mai Tai
In 1944, when the cocktail was invented by Victor J. Bergeron — better known as Trader Vic and named “The Best”
Rum with lime, orgeat, orange curaçao, and simple syrup
In 1954, the Royal Hawaiian Hotel began using pineapple and orange juice to sweeten the cocktail
The new recipe quickly caught on and usurped its predecessor
Piña Colada
Created in 1954 by Ramón “Monchito” Marrero at the Caribe Hilton in San Juan
In 1978, the piña colada was named the official drink of Puerto Rico
A fruity blend of rum, coconut cream, and pineapple juice the cocktail is a perfect treat for a sunny beach vacation
La Paloma
A fairly recent invention believed to be created by Don Javier Delgado Corona and named after a popular Mexican folk song “The Dove”
A unique combination of flavors, bubbles, and alcohol
Fresh grapefruit, lime, and soda make this cocktail much more difficult to package than its more popular cousin the margarita
In the 1980s, the Cosmopolitan was a popular cocktail among San Francisco’s gay community
Made with vodka, triple sec, Rose’s lime juice and Ocean Spray cranberry juice the drink had little in common with the Cosmo of today
“It was gross, but it looked pretty” — Toby Cecchini
Overtime, bartenders improved the cocktail with fresh juice, Cointreau, and Citron
The celebratory drink isn’t going away anytime soon
The Future Of Cocktails
Americans’ most drinkworthy occasions
Birthdays: 83%
Engagement: 78%
Anniversary: 77%
Promotion: 62%
Graduation: 59%
Many Americans turn to ready-to-drink cocktails for ease and convenience
In 2020, ready-to-drink cocktails grew 43% worldwide
By 2024, ready-to-drink cocktails are expected to make up 20% of alcohol e-commerce*
Why choose ready-to-drink?
No need to source ingredients to mix your own
No preparation or mess to clean up after
Enjoy a cocktail while staying safe at home
Now it’s easier than ever to celebrate with a premium quality cocktail
Cooloo Frozen Cocktail Pops
Premium quality frozen cocktails available in five authentic flavors:
Mai Tai
Gin & Tonic
Piña Colada
With a smooth, sorbet-like texture, they can be refrozen without losing their luxury quality
WIth Cooloo, you’re party-ready